Several recent studies conducted in different countries have found Project ImPACT to be feasible and/or effective for children with social communication delays, including India, the Netherlands, Zambia, China, Spain, and Iran.

  • Sengupta, K., Javeri, A., Mascarenhas, C., Khaparde, O., & Mahadik, S. (in press).  Feasibility and acceptability of a synchronous online parent-mediated early intervention for children with autism in a low resource setting during COVID-19 pandemic.  International Journal of Disability, Development and Education.
  • Sengupta, K., Mahadik, S., & Kapoor, G. (2020). Globalizing Project ImPACT: Feasibility, acceptability and preliminary outcomes of a parent-mediated social communication intervention for autism adapted to the Indian context. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders76, 101585.
  • Zwitserlood‐Nijenhuis, M. A., Wiefferink, C. H., & Gerrits, E. (2023). A randomized study of parent‐versus child‐directed intervention for Dutch toddlers with DLD. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders.
  • Pierucci, J. M., Aquino, G. A., Pearson, A., Perez, M., Mwanza-Kabaghe, S., Sichimba, F., & Mooya, H. (2023). Parent-mediated intervention training for caregivers of children with developmental differences in Zambia. Research in Developmental Disabilities132, 104373.
  • Li, F., Wu, D., Ren, F., Shen, L., Xue, M., Yu, J., … & Li, F. (2022). Effectiveness of online-delivered Project ImPACT for children With ASD and their parents: A piilot study during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychiatry13: 806149.
  • Bejarano-Martín, Á., Canal-Bedia, R., Magán-Maganto, M., Fabián, A. H., Castañeda, A. L. C., de Dios, S. M., … & de la Paz, M. P. (in press). Children with ASD: A Pilot Study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
  • Akhani, A., Dehghani, M., Gharraee, B., & Shooshtari, M. H. (2021). Parent training intervention for autism symptoms, functional emotional development, and parental stress in children with autism disorder: A randomized clinical trial. Asian Journal of Psychiatry62, 102735.